wood burner maintenance

If you’re the proud owner of a wood burner, you may have encountered some issues with it. Some of these problems will require a professional to carry out repair work, and others might just be down to user error. To help you spot which problems may indicate you need a stove expert, we’ve put together this guide to some of the most common issues.

You’re Struggling To Light Your Wood Burner

It can be difficult to get the knack for lighting a wood burner. You may need a little extra practise to get up to speed with stove lighting. Make sure you’ve stacked the wood, kindling and firelighters correctly to start with. You should also check that the controls are set right, as too much or too little heat can cause problems. Familiarise yourself with the controls that your stove has, and adjust them accordingly.

It could also be that there isn’t enough oxygen to feed the flames. There must be enough of a draught to draw some air through the system. If the chimney is blocked or needs cleaning, you’ll need to do this to ensure your stove will light.

Your Wood Doesn’t Burn Well

A weak flame can be caused by a number of issues. Wood that’s damp or wet won’t burn very well, so make sure that the fuel you’re using is dried appropriately. You should also double-check that the wood you’re using is meant to be burned. Not all woods will burn very well, and some can make a huge mess if you’re not careful. If you’ve burned a wood that produces a lot of resin or sticky sap, you could clog up your flue.

wood burner

Your Wood Burner Is Producing Smoke

All wood produces some kind of smoke as it burns, but very little should be coming into your home. If there’s smoke in your room, you may have an issue with the flue or the chimney. If this is the case, you’ll need to call an expert in to have a look.

However, smoke isn’t always a result of a fault in the system. It could be due to a lack of ventilation, as the smoke won’t be removed if there isn’t an air supply. You should also check that you’re burning the right type of wood, as some will produce a lot more smoke than others. Poplar in particular should be avoided, as it will emit a lot of nasty, black smoke.

For Wood Burner Repairs & Maintenance, Choose SJ Chimneys

If you’re experiencing any issues with your wood burner that can’t be put down to human error, get in touch with us today. We’d be happy to come out and inspect your stove, flue and chimney and remedy any problems you may have.

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